Our Altar Guild prepares the sanctuary for worship, including seasonal decorating, baking communion bread for our Eucharist, arranging flowers, and setting the altar each week.  Contact Charlotte Parsons, caparsons1938@gmail,com.  

Lectors, Chalice Bearers, and Acolytes include adults and youth who support Sunday services by reading lessons, assisting in administering communion, and carrying the crucifer and torches for processions.  To volunteer for one or more of these roles, contact secretary@st-mark.org.  

Ushers welcome worshippers to church on Sunday mornings and at special services.  They distribute service bulletins, assist in finding seats, and direct first-time visitors to our Sunday school and to Coffee Hour.      

The Prayer Chain at St. Mark’s is a group of current and former parishioners who have volunteered to pray for those in need. The prayer chain receives requests for prayer from members in three different ways: (1) by email (2) by phone (3) in person on Sundays, before or after church. For information about the prayer chain, please contact Martha Culver, mboryculver@gmail.com 

The Pastoral Care Team includes Eucharistic Visitors who bring communion to the sick and homebound; volunteers who support our monthly worship at Bridges Memory Care; and volunteers available to offer various kinds of support to parishioners after an illness, death in the family, or other crisis, such as a card, home or hospital visit, hot meal, ride to an appointment, or help shoveling.  If you are interested in supporting this ministry, please contact Herb Elliott, herb.elliott@cheza.com.