About Our Vestry

St. Mark's has been blessed over many years with an able and talented vestry. Our vestry of 11 members is led by an executive committee including our Senior Warden, Junior Warden, and Treasurer. We invite you to contact our wardens to answer questions about our Parish life. They may be reached at the email addresses included below, or you can contact our church secretary at secretary@st-mark.org

Meet St. Mark's Vestry Team

Kyla Clark
  • Digital Communications Specialist
Irina Sutormin
  • Parish Administrator
Dorothy Gaumer
  • At-Large
Herb Elliot
  • Clerk, Pastoral Care
Joan O'Hare
  • Treasurer
Melissa Dewing
  • Returning At-Large
Ellen Tremblay
  • Clerk & Diocesan Convention Representative
Mark Tremblay
  • Diocesan Convention Representative
Mahiro Jilensen
  • At-Large
Brenda Martin
  • At-Large
Robert Strain
  • Jr. Warden
Learn more about the vestry members.


"Judie and I, along with our two kids, have been part of the St. Mark's community since 1998."

~ Scott Hilton


"We have had a wonderful experience meeting so many caring parish members over those years as we raised our family in Westford.  The relationships we have established through St. Mark’s have enriched our lives in so many ways."

~ Tom Ellis


"My family joined  St. Mark’s in 1997, shortly after we moved from the DC area.  Since joining I have enjoyed participating in the church community in many ways. Currently, I served as the Family Ministries Leader, and on the Vestry as the liaison for Westford Preschool at St. Mark’s."

~ Judie Hilton


"I started attending St. Mark’s because I wanted my children to learn about God and belong to a friendly, loving church. Now that my children are grown I volunteer on the St. Mark’s Vestry Board because I enjoy the company of the wonderful people of St. Mark's and the charitable work they do."

~ Chrissy Hemingway


"St. Mark’s has been my spiritual home since the early 1980s, and it was an important part of our three children's spiritual formation. One of the things that I love about St. Mark’s is our commitment to service in the broader community. For a small church, we do a lot charitably as well as working for social justice."

~ Paul Ackroyd