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The Diocese of Massachusetts elects the Rev. Julia E. Whitworth as our New Bishop

The people of the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts have elected an Indianapolis priest to be their next bishop. At the special electing convention held on Saturday, May 18, clergy and lay delegates elected the Rev. Julia E. Whitworth to succeed the Rt. Rev. Alan M. Gates as the 17th bishop of the Diocese of Massachusetts. The electing convention took place at Trinity Church in Boston. 

“I would like to take a moment just to express my deep, deep gratitude for you, for the work that you do to make disciples, protect creation, promote justice, and love Jesus, and for the opportunity to join you in that work as your bishop-elect,” Whitworth said. “I am honored, I am flabbergasted, I am overjoyed, I am overwhelmed, and I feel it a deep, deep privilege to be called in this way."

Whitworth, the rector of Trinity Church in Indianapolis since 2016, is the first woman to be elected to lead the Diocese of Massachusetts as diocesan bishop.