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Pentecost Sunday - May 19th. Join us to celebrate the Holy Spirit’s Arrival

Pentecost Sunday is a major feast of the Church's year and comes fifty days after the resurrection and marks the end of the Easter season. It celebrates the beginning of the Church and the commissioning of new members into ministry. We remember how God's Holy Spirit came down to the disciples after Jesus' ascension, propelling them to begin the work of making disciples of all nations. 

According to Acts 2, a powerful wind and tongues of fire were poured out on people from all over the world who came to Jerusalem to celebrate a Jewish feast. At the first Pentecost over 3,000 people were baptized, creating the first church. 

Pentecost Sunday holds deep meaning for believers worldwide and serves as a reminder of the Holy Spirit's enduring power and God's ongoing work within the Christian community. Red is the primary color of Pentecost, symbolizing joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit that inspires all of us.